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Training Materials about AMR in Cambodia

1. The module is designed to enhance the knowledge of animal and human health practitioners on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). It consists of a) definitions; b) factors contributing to AMR in the human and animal sectors; c) impact of AMR on human, animal, and environmental health; d) preventing/combating the AMR in the human and animal sectors that are simple to their existing knowledge.

2. The posters are designed to provide good practices in the responsible use of antimicrobials. There are four types of posters targeting human health practitioners, animal health practitioners, animal owners, and general people. Each poster provides practical recommendations that encourage the use of antimicrobials responsibly.

3. The project factsheet introduces the background, goal, objective, and results or outcomes of the project that could summarize the successful story and lessons learned from the project for scale-up to larger across Cambodia.


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