The first SEAOHUN EIO Program was organized in 2016 in Bangkok with support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the One Health Workforce in collaboration with FAO-RAP, OIE SRR-SEA, WHO Thailand, Chulalongkorn University Veterinary Antimicrobial Resistance Cluster, World Bank Group, and SEAMEO TROPMED. Twenty professionals from SEAOHUN member and expansion countries participated in the event. They returned home with growing awareness in multi-sectoral networking and collaboration with readiness to apply the knowledge and communication skills gained into their work.
SEAOHUN EIO Program in 2019 aims to include new partners such as Mekong Basin Disease Surveillance Secretariat, Fleming Fund Management Agent, and field trip. The 2019 program intends to welcome up to 40 professionals working on One Health in SEAOHUN member and expansion countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Bangladesh).
• To expand knowledge on the roles of international/intergovernmental organizations working to address global challenges on One Health.
• To network with regional leaders with backgrounds in human, animal, and environmental health for the benefit of education, research and outreach programs.
• To foster collaboration with international/intergovernmental organizations.